Let’s take a fun peek into the world of social media and find out some of its incredible aspects that make it distinctive and effective.
Social Media improves results

According to a recent study more than 62% of marketers from different fields have reported a positive change in their marketing campaigns and efforts after they began to use social media as a foundation of many of their campaigns.

As a matter of fact, one user signs up with LinkedIn’s professional network every second of the day. The site is used by more than 60% of the people to find work, apply to work, or build their professional networks.
Millions of photos on Instagram

As per a recent report, more than one billion photos were uploaded to Instagram in the year 2012. Not just that, everyday 300 million photos are uploaded to this platform making it a perfect platform for photographers, artists and fashion experts.
Small and Medium Businesses getting benefited

Small and medium-sized businesses have started using various social media platforms in order to raise their sales revenue, expand their marketing efforts, and know more about their customers. About 34% of medium businesses are already using social media as a marketing tool whereas 27% of small businesses are joining in.
Mobiles makes it more happening

About 161 million minutes a month are spent on mobile social media applications around the world. In fact as per a rumor, people have more mobile devices than toothbrushes.
Deals on Social Media

We all love a great deal and social media happens to be a perfect place to find them. A recent research revealed that more than 67% of Facebook users like a company’s page in order to get a coupon offering 25% off whereas 28% share the love using their social media platforms.
Games to earn money

Usually, you don’t expect good images to crop up in your mind if hear somebody participating in social media games. However, a recent study unveiled that more than 79% of people who participate in social media games have a college degree or better and 44% of them earn more than $50,00 a year. On top of it, more than half of the players are over 40 years old and almost 30% of them are married & have children.

Almost one million twitter accounts are created and 340 millions tweets are posted daily. The year 2012 witnessed twitter to make more than $250 million in advertising revenue. Using Twitter can be a very useful and helpful asset to most companies.
Social media usage differences

It is reported that women mostly use Pinterest while men mostly use Google+. Pinterest is an entertaining community on which you can share your ideas through images while with Google+ you have got more options for sharing your ideas such as images, videos, and articles.

One out of every seven minutes spent online is used to surf, comment, share and like pictures, posts and videos uploaded to facebook. In fact, you can triple the traffic to your website overnight if you can identify your audience on facebook and post things they are interested in.
These were 10 interesting facts about social media that you must know to use it to your advantage. There are many others facts like this. Do share with us if you have come across any.
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