Monday, 15 August 2016

Best WordPress SEO Plugins For 2016

Being used by about 25% of all new website and with more than 27,000 plugins, WordPress is the most popular open source content management system in the world, as on date. Google never stops working on its search engine algorithms and keeps coming up with new updates in order to provide its users with better experience every time they use it. This requires search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to change with it too. As far as WordPress is concerned, it not only helps make SEO easy but its innumerable plug-in helps you make your rankings even better.
Here we have compiled a list of five best WordPress SEO plug-ins for 2016.

Word Press SEO by Yoast

With the help of this easy to use plug-in, you can optimize site titles and Meta descriptions and change the way content will be seen by users in search engine results. Not just that you can also setup XML sitemaps, clean up permalinks, and optimize your content for social media sites with the help of this plug-in.

All in One SEO Pack

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced webmaster, this plug-in is going to be of great use for both of you. The plug in can:
 Optimize titles
 Generate meta keywords and meta descriptions automatically
 Add alt tags to the images within your posts
Besides, the plugin has extended SEO integration for eCommerce sites as well.

Google XML Sitemaps

Search engine crawlers tend to find your site more easily if it has structured sitemaps. This plug-in extracts links and sample text from your site and creates a sitemap with their help enabling a more accurate index for search engines. Moreover, it also sends notification to major search engines automatically, whenever new content is created on the site.

SEO Friendly Images

This plug-in automatically doles out the alt attribute and title tags to the images on your site, which improves your site’s ranking in search results. You can also setup customer settings for your images with the help of this plug-in.

W3 Total Cache

A better page speed helps you have a better ranking in search results, especially in case of Google. This plug-in is the best performance optimizer for WordPress. It caches every feature of the site and improves the server performance, which in turn reduces the download time improving the user experience and search engine ranking both at the same time.

There are so many other plug-ins that help you improve your SEO, these were just a few most important of them. Making use of these plug-ins will help you concentrate more on the quality of the content, which should never be compromised for high ranking on the name of SEO. A valuable content usually makes the readers to share it earning links and eventually better ranking for you.

Courtesy: DSIM


  1. Been a yoast user for years now, recently started using the Ink for all AI. Have any other content creators tried this tool? Obsessed with how it works

  2. HAI,
    I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable. Most recent app that I don’t see here yet but hear other marketers talking about is INK for all. Using one single content tool versus multiple is great because I have to write multiple articles a day to make a decent living. So far, so good. Another good tool for my tool box, wanted to share it:
